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Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

How to Plant Guava

Posted by surrounding agriculturalLabels: Agriculture Article

Guava is one of the species of tree fruit crops, in English called Lambo guava. This plant comes from Brazil Central America, spread to Thailand and then to other Asian countries such as Indonesia. Until now had been cultivated and spread widely in the areas of Java. Guava is often called guava, guava Siki, or pink stones. Guava is then conducted a cross through cuttings or grafting with other species, so ultimately get greater results with fewer seeds state does not even have seeds that are named guava Bangkok due to the occurrence of Bangkok.
Planting Sentra
Guava is cultivated in countries like Japan, Malaysia, Brazil and others. In Indonesia, Java is the center of the largest guava fruit planting among others in DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta and East Java. Another production center is Sumatra and Borneo. In the recent years this has grown guava guava and later appeared in the city of Bangkok is cultivated Kleri, Karawang regency, West Java.
Types of Plants
Of a number of types of guava, guava varieties there are some people who loved and cultivated by choosing its economic value is relatively higher among:

Jambu breadfruit (seedless guava partenokarpi grow and when to grow close to the guava seeds will likely return).
Jambu bangkok (large fruit, thick flesh and few seeds, it was a bit bland). Subsequent to the milk mixture with guava taste turns sweet acids.
Cashew market week.
Guava juice.
Jmabu apples.
Jambu palembang.
Red cashew brittle.

Benefits of Plants

As fresh fruit and processed foods that have nutritional and vitamin A and vitamin C, with a sugar content of 8%. Guava has a distinctive flavor and aroma that is caused by the compound eugenol.
As a barrier trees in the yard and as an ornamental plant.
Leaves and roots can also be used as a traditional 'medicine.
The wood can be made a variety of kitchen tools because it has a strong and hard wood.
ClimateIn guava cultivation wind plays a role in pollination, but strong winds can cause hair loss on interest.Guava plant is a tropical plant and can be grown in sub-tropical regions with the necessary intensity rainfall ranges from 1000-2000 mm / year and evenly throughout the year.Guava plants can grow and bear fruit at the optimum temperature of around 23-28 degrees C in the daytime. Lack of sunlight can lead to a decrease or less than perfect results (dwarf), the ideal season flowering and fruiting during the dry season is around the month of July to September are the fruit season occurs November-February together the rainy season.Ambient air humidity tends to be low due mostly grown in lowland and medium. When the air has low humidity, dry air due to poor means of water vapor. Thus the conditions suitable for the growth of guava plants bij.
Growing MediaGuava plants can actually grow on all types of soil.Guava can grow well in soil that is fertile and friable and contains a lot of nitrogen, organic matter or clay soil conditions and a little sand.Soil acidity (pH) is not too much different from other plants, which is between 4.5 to 8.2 and when the pH is less than it needs to be done in advance of calcification.
AltitudeGuava can thrive in tropical areas with altitudes between 5-1200 m asl.

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